Why to Use Organizations Excellence Assessment

  • Organizations feel stuck in the current state even when there is an opportunity to reduce cost and improve revenue
  • Organizations become too inward focus and miss external / fresh perspective that can help identify blind spots
  • Organizations needing help in understanding all key success factors for organizational excellence

How is Organizational Excellence Assessment Conducted

  • Identify the need for the assessment
  • Define scope, timing, and resources with a client to conduct a quality assessment
  • Onsite client visit supported by multiple techniques like surveys, individual interviews, focus groups, diagonal slice discussion
  • SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
  • Assess organizational excellence maturity for all success factors on a 5 point scale
  • Develop prioritized list of action items
  • Determine next steps with the client


  • Objective external assessment of the current state of organizational excellence maturity with respect to all the key success factors
  • Help organizations identify critical gaps to achieve benchmark organizational excellence
  • Engagement of all levels of organization to eliminate biases and pre-conceived notions