Application Case Studies


There was an opportunity to improve diabetic patient care at a practice with 2 doctors and 12 residents utilizing quality methodology

Framework / Methodologies Integrated
  • Design Thinking-Empathy Interview
  • Lean 5S, Muda, One-Patient Flow, Standard Work
  • Six Sigma-Graphical Analysis to Reduce Variation, Process Map, Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Shainin Red X-BOB WOW days comparisons™
  • Diabetic patient care improved by 50%
My work and accomplishment were picked up By Detroit Free Press


Due to incorrect forecasting process of product volume early during product development process, organization was spending substantial capital investment that was not needed and caused sales to offer incentives to sell products- high end luxury product

Framework / Methodologies Integrated
  • DFSS-Pugh Analysis, Robust Optimization, Simulation
  • Lean - Value Stream Map
  • Shainin Red X - Problem Definition TreeTM, BOB WOW forecast comparisons™
  • Six Sigma-Project Charter, Swimlane Map, Ishikawa Diagram, Box Plots, Effort Impact Matrix
  • $32M in cost Avoidance


Organization wanted increase revenue at dealership by use of certain add-on services and have been unsuccessful due to push back from dealers. Leadership thought they knew the reason for push back from dealer. A new leader kicked off a team to make one more try to increase revenue

Framework / Methodologies Integrated
  • Design Thinking: Empathy Interviews with all levels at leadership, Themes, Insights, How Might We Statement, Low Resolution Prototype
  • DFSS: Kano Model, Pugh Analysis
  • Shainin Red X-BOB WOW Group Comparison™
  • Six Sigma-Project Charter, Detail Process Map, Muda Analysis, RASIC, Cost Benefit Analysis
  • $40M+ Increased Revenue


One of the door switches would function intermittently and team was struggling to find the root cause as there were many parts in the door as this could be a major customer dissatisfiers

Framework / Methodologies Integrated
  • DFSS-Design Robustness Analysis, Parameter Design
  • Shainin Red X-Modified Component Search TM, Modified BOB WOW comparisons™
  • Six Sigma-Project Charter, Detail Process Map
  • Lean - Muda Analysis at OEM and the supplier
  • Crisis-Stop Ship condition avoided which would have cost millions


At a final test for a luxury electric vehicle OEM, there were multiple rejects for continuity. Manufacturing had brought the issue to engineering and the design release engineer concluded that the root cause was that jumper harness connector was out of specification. Engineering then demanded that supplier quality of OEM work with the supplier to get the parts in specification and that will make problem resolved.

Framework / Methodologies Integrated
  • DFSS-Robust Assessment, Robust Optimization, PDiagram, Taguchi Loss Function
  • Shainin Red X-BOB WOW comparisons™
  • Six Sigma-Project Charter, Detail Process Map, DOE
  • Lean-Value Stream Map
  • Crisis-Stop Ship condition avoided which would have cost millions

Client Quotes

Kush Shah is not content with maintaining the status quo. He is always seeking ways to improve the problem solving process, leading to innovative solutions that enhance problem solving capabilities of any organization. He immediately immersed himself in our operation to a poing where he became one of us! Our leadership was so impressed by his integrated approach of problem solving that we are now having him teach this integrated problem solving approach to our entire organization - from top leadership to operators.

Kush has trained engineering and manufacturing employees in his unique integrated approach to problem solving. Using his innovative approach, we have been able to solve several critical problems in a very short time. His integrated approach takes the best and most appropriate techniques from all different problem solving methodologies based on the questions the team is answering through the problem solving journey. We have found this approach to be extremely effective and efficient.