GOES can help any organization with the following talent management aspects:

  • Identify the most important organizational excellence / quality roles for an organization. Understanding of the most critical roles is essential to determine what experiences, skills and traits are needed and back it up with data about your talent pool.
  • Assist an organization in selecting the best candidates for the critical roles by assessing fit and match talent that reflects each role’s expectations and deliverables.
  • Assist an organization with the training needs analysis for critical roles
  • Assist an organization with succession planning, enabling talent mobility and highlighting top candidates for each critical role.

GOES can help any individual with the following talent management aspects:

  • Identifying the right training and certification for the roles an individual is interested in
  • Resume review to ensure that an individual highlights what differentiates from other candidates
  • Interview skills to increase chances of an individual successfully getting his / her dream job
  • Mentoring / Coaching to improve individual’s performance in their job